共為你找到:200筆taipei city government 相關企業資訊
Citi Venture Capital main business scope of the fund equity investment fund distribution and management, equity acquisitions. In the energy and environmental protection, sports industry, financial services, transportation logistics and related industries, healthcare, retail and FMCG, real estate, construction, machinery manufacturing, new chemical materials, textile clothing, household appliances it, mineral metallurgy, agriculture and public utilities professional investment team 13 fields have long-term research, and investment tracking. Citi Venture Capital after the fund has a professional team of investment services, has a professional team, including senior financial experts Fund program designers, mergers and acquisitions investment management division, asset management planners, business management experts, legal advisers and other professional team. In order to be able to in a broader range of services to more customers. Meanwhile, Citi Venture Capital Inc. actively introduce cooperation agencies, including banks, trust companies, security companies, wealth management companies and other financial institutions, also including accounting firms, law firms, companies and other third-party asset evaluation agencies; Citi Venture Capital to encourage domestic and foreign equity investment bank added in the form of direct investment, provide vast resources and financial support to fund the equity issue, the effort to build a comprehensive asset management institutions. Citi Venture Capital Inc. convergence fund investment philosophy of Taiwan wisdom and Europe will be able to make our wealth and increase the value. Only wealth preservation and appreciation to be able to permanently benefit of mankind. Therefore, talent is our fundamental, is our core competence and core competitive advantage is the preservation and appreciation of the fundamental, but also the root of this legislation we Citi Venture Capital. Citi Venture Capital has a huge fund of experience in human resources and investment services for many years, providing customers with diversified services. To provide investors with a high quality investment information services. We have excellent management team, a sound service system. The research team from several well-known practitioners of the composition of investment institutions, has a wealth of investment experience, able to accurately grasp the current market dynamics and provide customers with the latest accurate investment goods. With a wealth of experience in domestic and foreign investment, strong market analysis capabilities, a unique operational thinking, ahead of the vision, the international advanced mode of investment goods with domestic investment goods, leaving the development of customer acceptance of the equity investment in commodities on the development path of Taiwan equity investment industry has taken an important step forward.
INFINE is independent communication group, with activities in the field of corporate PR, stage performances, exhibitions and festivals, advertising, publishing and education promotion. Since 2005 INFINE has handled projects for organizations such Taipei city Government, National Palace Museum, Council of Cultural Affairs, National Theater and foreign representative offices. INFINE organizes the annual Taiwan European Film Festival (TEFF) and promotes international channel TV5MONDE. INFINE also a part of the team for TAIPEI INTERNATIONAL FLORA EXPOSITION 2010.
COOL CUT hairdressing 低調奢華,融合摩登時尚感,COOL CUT 想給您有不一樣的時尚觀感 很多顧客在髮型上都會有期望與希望,COOL CUT不只重於專精的剪髮設計與美感設計 而是更重視”聆聽與”溝通” 聆聽顧客髮型上的困擾與需求 溝通解說適合顧客的個人風格特色 提供全方位的造型解析 進而讓顧客能更放心的將髮型上的所有問題都交給我們 Address 地址: NO.183. Siwei Rd.Da-an District. Taipei City Opening Time 營業時間:11:30am~8:30pm 臺北市大安區四維路183號1F
We are a high-tech Wireless system integrator and manufacture established at Taipei City Neihu District, TAIWAN in 1996,Engaging in the Wireless Media business of product development, technical service and providing product planning, design, manufacturing service, and integration in the fields of all digital audio broadcasting equipments including DAB(Digital Audio Broadcasting) HD, XM: Satellite Radio MPB,VOIP electronics, and total solution for worldwide valuable branded customers. Cooperated with many design houses in the States , We leading the technology in doing the Research & Development of Wireless Media products, we announced the first one HD radio among all the other manufactures, also we achieved the equivalent product manufacturing quality compared to excellent manufactures in the world. With our Core Competences and Consistent Commitments to our partner customers, our experienced R&D team come from all relevant RF background with doctor and bachelor degree, Our shareholders are mainly from local stock listed company groups. With flexible manufacturing facility including Printed Circuit Board , SMT, Antenna, assembling line were also dedicated to all to the valuable customers. We wish to play an outstanding role as a value added supplier to our customer in the Wireless Media areas.
About Us More than twenty years ago, KAB started as a humble two-person family business commenced in Taipei molding plugs and connectors for local Taiwanese manufacturers. This business has today transformed into a dynamic manufacturing entity with over 800 employees across Taipei and China. Armed with this wealth of accumulated manufacturing experience, we have expanded towards a whole range of electrical and electronic products which are exported around the world. Through persistence and our loyal customer base, we continue to build on a reputation for producing quality electrical products, attention to presentation, product detail and excellence in customer service. Company Profile KAB Enterprise has two factories supplying the international market with one located in just outside Taipei, in Panchiao City whilst our main production facility is located in Dong Guan area of China. Our headquarters are located about 40 minutes from Taipei City and comprises of Sales and Marketing, Shipping, Finance as well as Research and product development division. Research Development KAB Enterprise is continually investing in research and development of new applications and innovative products for our customers and we encourage continuous communication between our customers to discuss new product lines with us.
力光科技有限公司 POWERLIGHT TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. 地址:台灣 新北市 三重區 五谷王北街20巷15弄13號 (近湯城園區 重新大橋) No.13, Aly. 15, Ln. 20, Wuguwang N. St., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241, Taiwan (R.O.C.) TEL: +886-2-85121902 (02)8512-1902 FAX: +886-2-29350328 (02)2935-0328 簡介: 力光科技立足台灣,放眼世界,由於深感全球暖化,天災不斷,環境保護、節能減碳已到刻不容緩的階段,為了保護我們寶貴且唯一的地球,於是我們毅然投入大量時間及資源從事綠色節能商品的設計開發及製造。近年來更在LED相關應用商品取得相當程度的進展,主要業營業項目遍及LED廣告字幕機(跑馬燈)、各式LED照明燈具 (LED燈泡、LED燈管、LED條燈、LED崁燈、LED投射燈等等)、LED廣告燈材、至各式各樣LED相關商品的研發製造。我們的技術在業界已居於相當程度的領先地位,無論在品質或價格上都力求保有絕對競爭優勢,確保所有客戶都能從與我們的合作當中取得最高性價比的產品,得到最好的服務及最完整先進的技術支援。 力光科技在LED產業中不辭勞苦,不怕道路上荊棘滿佈,經過了長時間不求回本的努力營運只為了把產品及服務做到最好。因為我們深切明白-公司永續發展的基礎在於我們對於產品及服務的用心和堅持,我們唯有將產品及服務做到最好,方可帶給自己及合作客戶最大的競爭優勢。力光科技這一路走來,心中充滿無限感恩,感謝所有朋友的支持愛護,因為有你們的相挺,力光才得以在重重艱難險阻中傲然挺立並且勇敢地繼續前進。展望未來,力光將持續開發全新產品並以更優質的品質和服務為台灣經濟創造未來。 主要營業項目: 1.LED照明燈具(燈管、燈泡、LED燈條、LED崁燈、LED投射燈、LED廣告燈等等) 2.LED廣告字幕機 (跑馬燈、顯示屏、電視牆、LED Display) 3.LED燈具研發設計,量產製造。 4.LED商品設計、打樣並量產。 5.LED太陽能環保節能綠色商品。 6.LED廣告燈材及控制器。 7.商業照明、工業照明、公共照明,一般家庭照明。 力光科技有限公司 統編:29145498 電話:02-85121902 官方網站:http://www.acled.tw 備用網站:http://www.力光.tw E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]
搖滾帝國音樂事業有限公司 Rock Empire Music Entertainment Ltd. 狂嘯唱片國際出版有限公司 Screaming Shout Records Int’l Co. 金屬極境影音唱片專門店 Metal Gate CD DVD Temple 地址:台北市松山區塔悠路81號 ADD:1F, No.81, Ta-You Rd., Song-Sun Dist., Taipei City, 105,TAIWAN 電話(TEL):886-37651861 轉13 傳真(FAX):886-37651860 營業時間:平日10:00-22:00 例假日 13:00-22:00
DNA Information Technology Inc. is a trading firm powered by hedge funds, dedicated to arbitrages in global securities exchanges, online direct trading strategies, and the optimization of automatic trading systems. Cooperation with Kaohsiung City government, we gladly sponsor employees’ household registered locally, part of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), for all costs on trading loss and training. 律利資訊科技是少數在台獲得國外私募基金所投資設立的公司,主要業務在發展網路金融的數位內容,測試線上交易的策略,進而優化其運作模式。同時,為配合高雄市政府『地方產業創新研發推動計畫』(地方型SBIR),本公司將優先補助戶籍地在高雄市的新進員工,所有職前教育訓練所需的成本。 We are a foreign corporation, oriented to profitable traders, offering compelling commissions plus bonus. Trader’s interests are most concerned. What’s more, efficient software, spaciously homey office, and flexible work schedule. Discipline, energy and creativity constitute teamwork of us. We always take traders into account, and certainly would encourage sub-trading units. 律利資訊科技是一家『以人為本』的外商公司,除了提供優渥的績效獎金,還有彈性的工作時間,良好的工作環境。強調員工福利、紀律、活力、與創新的組織文化。重視員工想法,並支援優秀同仁在體制內發展新事業。 We aim at global securities trading business and operate business simply with locals. We are one localized foreign corporation, not only participating in worldwide financials, but also training people to be profitable traders. 律利資訊科技以全球化的角度推動公司的業務,並以在地的觀點修正營運策略,是一家真正落實在地化的外資企業,不僅參與世界市場的角逐,更訓練員工擁有更廣闊的國際觀,律利資訊科技竭誠歡迎有志放眼全球的伙伴一同加入。
AirLink WiFi Networking Corp. is a Taiwanese Company establish since 2006 as a designer and manufacturer company of RF radio and antennas with 2.4 GHz/5GHz wide area networks of Wi-Fi 802.11 high power devices, providing total solutions for Outdoors & Indoors Hotspots Networks. 2010 we expanded our product line providing Wireless Internet Cameras security system, developed as an easy plug in and play cloud system solution to take care of our customers family. 2013, we expanded to renewable energy solutions, with our Green DC/AC Energy Power System. We provide solar energy power supplies to our AC/DC equipments; like Indoors & Outdoors AP and IP cameras or CCTV cameras in a stable voltage environment to avoid and improve the life of our products in countries with unstable voltage. we developed Access managements gateway/ controllers for our customers to manage their wide site of AP's bandwidth control and traffic management and login portal to create users, radius or vouchers login for guest firewall, VPN and VLAN etc. 2014 Street Lighting System, plug & Play set up step by step, which is use to provide light, their principal source of energy come from the solar panels dial who are being connected underground instead of wiring.
專業影像在地服務 紀錄片/工商簡介/平面攝影/EFP現場實況/視訊工程/臨時支援/設備租賃/解決方案
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